Sunday, September 22, 2019

What if there is no heart?

String of Hearts

What if there is no heart?

            String of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii) is a perfectly named plant.  Since it’s one of the many Strings of Things, it is in high demand.

            In our search for more stock plants to propagate from, we discovered a different clone called Ceropegia linearis woodii.  In researching it, I found that the leaves are not shaped like a Valentine heart, but more like a teardrop.  Otherwise, the same green and silver leaf on a string.

            Now, what to do?  How can we sell this as String of Hearts?

            So, you know about lemons and lemonade?

            I want to call it ‘Heartless’ String of Hearts.  Everyone that I’ve told, laughs and agrees that’s it.

            ‘Heartless’ String of Hearts.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Sinningia 'Li'l Georgie' Returns

Sinningia 'Li'l Georgie' -- The Best Miniature Flowering Houseplant

Sinningia ‘Li’l Georgie’ returns.

            Sinningia ‘Li’l Georgie’ is the most amazing miniature flowering houseplant.  Much has been written about it here, here, and here.

            I will not break my rule of saying what is going to happen before it happens.  Delays and failures are always lurking.

            I will only say that ‘Li’l Georgie’ may return for sale within the year.