Friday, September 16, 2022

Kohleria - The Potential

Kohleria hybrid


Kohleria --- The potential


            Do indoor gardeners buy plants they don’t know about?


            Every garden center must stock houseplants that are tried and true.  We want customers to have success with plants and be back for more.


            But new plants are bought every day.  “This is pretty.  I want it”.


            Kohlerias are not a commercial crop and are never seen for sale beyond hobby circles.  It’s the classic chicken and egg problem.  Nobody buys Kohlerias because there are none to buy.

            We are trying to grow 500 for Christmas.  Will that be enough?

Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Name

The Name.


            By talking to a lot of smart people, the Begonia common name that is floating to the top is --- Spotted Lizard.  Thanks to all who played along.


            The angel-wing leaf is pointy on both ends like a lizard.  It seems more spotted than speckled.


            If we call it the “Spotted Lizard” Begonia, will we sell more?


            We know that if it’s called Begonia amphioxus, it will not be called by name.


            ‘Spotted Lizard” Begonia --- it might catch on.

Begonia - Name?