Saturday, February 5, 2022

What will be the common name for Achimenes? --- THE ANSWER!

Achimenes 'Serge Saliba'

              Five weeks ago I wanted to find the new common name for Achimenes.  Today, I’ve given up.


            The answer is:


Achimenes   ---   ah-KIM-eh-neez


After talking to a lot of smart people, they all say that all current common names are stupid and should not be used.  I won’t write them here to help cause them to disappear.


A common name for a plant helps gardeners remember it, so they can discuss it with others. And more importantly, they will ask for them at a garden center.   Botanical names are difficult and only make sense if you can pronounce them.


Achimenes can be called Achimenes.  Once you learn it, Achimenes will be common.


  1. Good choice. I just may have to try and grow some this summer. I haven't had Achimenes in ages.

    Do you know if they attract hummingbirds?

  2. I haven't grown Achimenes in 40 years, but will soon be in the Achimenes business.

    I don't know about hummingbirds, but will watch what they do this summer, when they come around.

  3. I usually get hummingbirds buzzing around my gesneriads outside. However I grow many sinnigias so I can't be sure if they are coming for the achimenes, in addition to the sinningias
