Sunday, February 5, 2023

Achimenes --- The beginning of the campaign Part II

Achimenes 'Purple Elfe' by Serge Saliba


Achimenes --- The beginning of the campaign. Part II


            Achimenes (Ah-KIM-en-eez) may make a comeback.


            We haven’t seen Achimenes in any quantity for 50 years when it was a commercial crop for a while.


            A promotor of the crop --- Mickelson Greenhouse sold rhizomes of a few clones.  I remember a pink one --- Tarantella.


            So, if this is such a great plant, what happened?  An outsider always has the reasonable question: Why is no one growing Achimenes?  Does it have a fatal flaw?


            One big problem is that cold water plus sun on the leaves cause the leaves to burn and makes the plant unsalable.  Garden centers have learned to have warm water to prevent leaf damage.


            Another problem is simple logistics.  If there is no champion specialist maintaining the stock plants and producing the rhizomes, widespread production is stymied.


            The answer can be simple.  Nobody is doing it because nobody is doing it.

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