Tuesday, November 1, 2022

A New Commercial Crop

Achimenes 'Blue Swan' grown by Gary's Gesneriad Farm 


            “A major horticultural company has decided to introduce a new commercial crop into the United States market.  The CEO has gotten approval for the project from the Board of Directors and a quarter of a million dollars has been allocated for development.


            A long forgotten crop --- Achimenes, has been chosen to make a come-back to take advantage of the booming houseplant market.


            The search is on for the best varieties in the world.  Hybrids are secured and trials will begin for the best production techniques.  It’s apparent that day length will need to be manipulated, so LED light stands are installed.  Long days can be used to start Achimenes growth in the winter, so flowering plants can be complete for the spring market.


            Trials for growth retardants are started.  Propagation of scales from rhizomes is perfected.  The best 10 varieties of various colors are selected.  Production guidelines are quickly determined --- light, temperature, fertilizer, water, fungicides are settled.


            Perfect Achimenes crops are produced the first year.


            Garden centers sell out immediately as the perfectly grown plants arrive weekly.


            The spring demand absorbs this new flowering shade plant in pots and hanging baskets.


            The CEO is happy.”


            Will this fairy tale come true?