Sunday, July 28, 2024

Begonia amphioxus grows on Windowsills!

Begonia amphioxus on my windowsill

Begonia amphioxus grows on windowsills!


This rare Begonia species is tougher than first thought.


            If you find this cute Begonia for sale on the internet, the seller may warn you that it must be grown in terrarium – high humidity conditions.


            This is wrong.  It does not.


I’ve proven conclusively that it will grow on your windowsill without any additional humidity.


Once considered very rare, now it is a commercial plant with limited production.


This story is to stamp out the myth that Begonia amphioxus is a needy, soft species what can only live in a terrarium, which few indoor gardeners want to deal with.


We have propagated and sold thousands of ‘Spotted Lizards’ into Independent Garden Centers on the East coast.  It holds up just fine.


How did the myth get started?  An unrooted cutting requires higher humidity while rooting.  Then they are weaned off mist and hardened off for sale.  Many internet sellers do not acclimate young plants, so warn you to immediately move them into terrariums.


Great advice, if you’re building a terrarium.


But for the rest of us, find acclimated plants that are ready for your windowsill.  They will thrive there.


Customers who sell our Begonia amphioxus by retail mail order are:


Hirt’s Gardens (

My Garden Channel (


Retail garden centers are found on our locator map:



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