Friday, May 19, 2023

Vietnamese Violets are Coming Soon

Vietnamese Violet - Perfectly grown


If you study entrepreneurship, the ultimate strategy is to find a product that has no competition in a new category.  You perfect production at a low cost, introduce it to the market and dominate as the category King.


This picture shows what a perfectly grown Vietnamese Violet can look like.  If my crop has half as many flowers, I will call it a success.


How did they do this?


I know how to grow Vietnamese violets.  But every successful business has a secret --- we see something that others don’t.


If I tell you how, then as they say: ‘The cat’s out of the bag’.


  1. I've already seen these in a local grocery store's floral department. They were labeled as "Asian Violets." I'd prefer "Vietnamese Violet," too, but we'll have to see which way the market goes on that one. They used to be classified as Chirita, then Primulina, then Deinostigma, and now they are Metapetrocosmea. This poor plant has an identity crisis!

  2. Yes, the unwieldy Genus name, Metapetrocosmea, will never help sell this nice flowering plant. Which makes the common name all the more important. Vietnamese Violet is believable and should win out.
